FMLG Financial Markets Lawyers Group FMLG FXC
The Financial Markets Lawyers Group ceased operations in February 2022. As of that time, this website is no longer being updated.


Conference on Netting of OTC Financial Contracts
in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, along with the World Bank and the Centre for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA), sponsored a two day "Conference on Netting of OTC Financial Contracts in Latin America and the Caribbean" in Mexico City on November 9 and 10, 2000. The Conference brought together representatives from 17 countries, including representatives from both the public and private sector. The Conference focused on the many benefits countries in the region could gain by providing a sound legal basis to support the use of netting and collateral by financial institutions. A copy of the agenda for the Conference may be viewed by clicking below. In addition, a number of the Conference's presentations may also be viewed by clicking below. You will need MS Word and/or Powerpoint to view the presentations.

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FMLG ISDA Protocol Statement pdf
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Antitrust Guidelines pdf
FX Global Code May 2017  
2021 Meeting Dates pdf