FMLG Financial Markets Lawyers Group FMLG FXC
The Financial Markets Lawyers Group ceased operations in February 2022. As of that time, this website is no longer being updated.

Amici Briefs

The Financial Markets Laywers Group and Foreign Exchange Committee voice views in litigation that could have a significant impact on the legal framework for foreign exchange markets in the United States. They have submitted amici curiae ("friend of the court") briefs on seminal cases that have affirmed the over-the-counter nature of financial market transactions, the arm's length nature of dealings in the over-the-counter financial markets and the importance of preserving the benefits of netting under U.S. insolvency laws.

Quick Links
FMLG ISDA Protocol Statement pdf
Articles of Association pdf
Antitrust Guidelines pdf
FX Global Code May 2017  
2021 Meeting Dates pdf