
Global Investments in Health: Investing in Early Life for Future Returns

June 27, 2024

On Thursday, June 27, 2024, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York hosted a virtual event focused on investment strategies to address the social determinants of health, such as children and teens having access to nutritious food and safe places for outdoor play. Topics included the epidemiological and economic importance of a healthy childhood, child-centric urban planning, and child-focused investing. The event was second in a series centered on ideas from around the world for place-based investments addressing the social determinants of health.

This event was of interest to leaders in the financial, government, nonprofit, and health sectors.


See the agenda for timing of specific conference segments.

Event Details

Date & Time
June 27, 2024
10:00 am – 11:30 am

This was a virtual-only event

This event was open to the public.

This virtual event was open to the media. All remarks were on the record, with the recording to be made available afterwards. For media inquiries, please contact Ellen Simon at Ellen.Simon@ny.frb.org.


10:00am-10:05am  Introduction and Opening Remarks (00:00:08 in video)

Tony Davis, Director of Community Outreach and Health, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
10:05am-10:25am  Keynote (00:04:51 in video)

Sir Michael Marmot, Executive Director, Institute of Health Equity
10:25am-11:15am  Panel Discussion (00:27:03 in video)

Moderator: Julian Macrone, Community Development Specialist, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Susanna Hausmann-Muela, Cities Portfolio Lead, Fondation Botnar

Judith Schübl, Senior Expert, Mobility, Austrian Energy Agency

Sabrina Dong, Senior Associate, UNICEF Impact Fund for Children

11:15am-11:27am  Audience Q&A (00:51:50 in video)
11:27am-11:30am  Closing Remarks (01:24:00 in video)

Julian Macrone, Community Development Specialist, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

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