Banking Research Data Sets

New York Fed Research distributes data that are useful for conducting and replicating academic research involving commercial banks.
This data set links regulatory identification numbers (RSSD ID) from the National Information Center (NIC) to the permanent company number (PERMCO) used in the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP).
Balance Sheets of National Banks: 1867 through 1904
This data set contains more than 110,000 annual national bank balance sheets for more than 7,000 unique national banks, covering the years 1867 to 1904. The original source of call report data is the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), which published national banks’ balance sheets in its Annual Report to Congress.

Each of the data sets provided here is covered by the Bank's standard terms-of-use policy. While every effort has been made to eliminate the presence of mistakes, no guarantee is made about the accuracy of the data sets.​
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