This dataset links regulatory identification numbers (RSSD ID) from the National Information Center (NIC) to the permanent company number (PERMCO) used in the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP). The dataset is useful for conducting and replicating academic research involving commercial banks. This update includes 1495 PERMCO-RSSD links from June 30, 1986, to September 30, 2024.

The PERMCOs displayed herein are used with the permission of the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP(R)) and the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. PERMCO(R) is a registered trademark of The University of Chicago.

The University of Chicago and CRSP make no warranty of any kind, express or implied, with respect to the validity, merchantability, fitness, condition, use, or appropriateness of PERMCOs or the links to the PERMCOs displayed herein.

The documentation file explains the methods used to create the CRSP-FRB link and the dataset's variable definitions.


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Please reference "Federal Reserve Bank of New York, CRSP-FRB Link", which contains documentation on the construction and usage of the data. To report any errors or additional matches, please email Hyeyoon Jung so that the dataset can be updated.
Each of the datasets provided here is covered by the Bank's standard terms-of-use policy. While every effort has made to eliminate the presence of mistakes, no guarantee is made about the accuracy of the links.
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