New York Fed Economic Education creates accessible and engaging resources and programs to enhance economic literacy, highlight economic experiences, and promote awareness of the Federal Reserve System to shape a better economy for all.
Teams of students play the role of monetary policymakers by analyzing economic conditions and recommending a course for monetary policy.
We deliver professional development programs for educators. Topics include timely economic research and economic literacy for high school and college students.
Educators from schools and student programs serving 7th grade and up may submit a request to visit. Learn more.
The New York Fed partners with the PhD Excellence Initiative to host its annual Summer Research workshop and support its mission to elevate new perspectives within economic research.
The Council for Economic Education equips K-12 students with the tools and knowledge of personal finance and economics to make better decisions for themselves, their families, and their communities.
HE³AT, run in partnership with the New York City Department of Education and Brooklyn South district high schools, is a place-based education program. It includes sites at businesses and institutions around New York City and the New York Fed is a proud participant.