Media Advisory

New York Fed to Publish Research Series on Nonbank Financial Institutions

June 13, 2024

NEW YORK—Starting on Monday, June 17, 2024, at 7:00 AM Eastern Time, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York will publish a three-part research series on its Liberty Street Economics blog on nonbank financial institutions (NBFIs).

The three-part series, which will be published on June 17, 18, and 20, will examine the rapid growth of NBFIs over the last decade, the interdependence between NBFIs and traditional banking organizations, and potential risk implications of those connections for the broader financial system.

The series will include the following posts:

  • Nonbanks Are Growing but Their Growth Is Heavily Supported by Banks,” which examines the growth of total assets held by banks and various NBFIs over the last several decades, and the interdependence between the two types of entities as it relates to funding and liquidity support. (June 17)
  • Banks and Nonbanks Are Not Separate, but Interwoven,” which investigates the drivers behind NBFI asset growth and the evolution of lending activities outside of the regulatory perimeter and associated risks. (June 18)
  • The Growing Risk of Spillovers and Spillbacks in the Bank-NBFI Nexus,” which considers the systemic risk implications of expanded bank-NBFI connections as related the growth of NBFIs and their considerable role in financial intermediation. (June 20)
Shelley Pitterson
(917) 698-0510
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