Media Advisory

New York Fed to Host Workshop on Nonbank Financial Institutions

June 14, 2024

NEW YORK—On Friday, June 21, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, in collaboration with the European Central Bank, will host a workshop on nonbank financial institutions (NBFIs). This hybrid conference aims to advance the collective understanding of NBFIs and their activities. Kartik B. Athreya, head of the Research and Statistics Group at the New York Fed, will provide opening remarks.

Conference sessions will cover a broad set of topics related to NBFIs, including vulnerabilities in the sector, prudential regulation, the relationship to banks, and the role of these institutions in the transmission of monetary policy.

The conference is by invitation only for in-person attendees and open to the public virtually. Further details are available on the event page.

The event is open to the media in-person and virtually. All remarks are on the record with the recording to be made available afterward. Media who wish to attend should contact Ellen Simon at the New York Fed,

Ellen Simon
(347) 978-3036
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