Media Advisory

New York Fed to Release Q2 2024 Household Debt and Credit Report on August 6, 2024

July 30, 2024

NEW YORK—The Federal Reserve Bank of New York will release its Q2 2024 Household Debt and Credit Report on Tuesday, August 6 at 11:00 AM.

The Household Debt and Credit Report offers an updated snapshot of trends in household borrowing and indebtedness, including data about mortgages, student loans, credit cards, and auto loans. The latest report captures consumer credit data as of the end of June 2024.

In conjunction with the report, the New York Fed will publish a Liberty Street Economics blog post examining growing balances of home equity lines of credit loans.

Press Call on the Household Debt and Credit Report:

Authors of the report and blog will host a background press call on Tuesday, August 6 at 9:30 AM to provide further context on the research. Journalists interested in participating should RSVP to Connor Munsch at

Connor Munsch
(347) 224-1175
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