Speakers Bureau
About the Speakers Bureau

As part of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's outreach and education efforts, economists and subject-matter experts are available to speak to business and civic groups, nonprofit organizations, academic institutions, and professional and trade associations in the Second District (New York State, Northern New Jersey, Fairfield County, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands).

Potential presentation topics include:

  • Global, national and regional economic outlook
  • The roles and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve
  • Housing, labor and credit conditions
  • Information technology and cyber security
  • Economic and financial education
  • Banking, supervision and risk
Speaker Availability

When evaluating speaker requests, the New York Fed considers the forum, subject matter, and availability of speakers. Note that speakers are not available during Federal Reserve blackout periods. The minimum audience size is 25, and speaking engagements are free of charge.

Request a Speaker

To request a speaker, please e-mail NY.SpeakersBureau@ny.frb.org with the following information:

  • Organization/institution name, address and website
  • Organizer contact name, phone and e-mail
  • Program/event name, location and agenda
  • Topic(s) of interest
  • Audience size and description
  • Preferred dates/times
  • Is this event open to media/press? (Y/N)
Program Policies

Federal Reserve policy prohibits our employees from speaking to political organizations, at political gatherings, or at fundraising events. Please note that we generally do not accept requests for events sponsored by investment or financial firms. Other restrictions may apply.

New York Fed policy prohibits employees from accepting gifts, honoraria, or compensation. We kindly ask that hosts do not purchase or present any gifts, as our speakers would be required to decline or return them.









Federal Reserve Blackout Periods

Speakers are not available for engagements during the below periods.

  • January 20-February 1, 2024
  • March 9-21, 2024
  • April 20-May 2, 2024
  • June 1-13, 2024
  • July 20-August 1, 2024
  • September 7-19, 2024
  • October 26-November 8, 2024
  • December 7-19, 2024
Communications and Outreach
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