Jointly hosted by the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Over the past decade, Central Banks have started to collect survey data on expectations from consumers, economists, professional forecasters, and firms. These surveys provide insights into how economic agents form their expectations and how these expectations feed into economic decisions that can have wide implications for the economy and for monetary policy.
In view of these developments, the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York are organizing a workshop on November 21st and 22nd at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The aim of the workshop is to bring together scholars to present their current research involving expectations surveys. The workshop will take place once a year and will alternate between Frankfurt and New York.
In addition to paper presentations, the program will feature two plenary sessions by Olivier Coibion (University of Texas Austin) and Ulrike Malmendier (University of California – Berkeley).
Please note that attendance is by invitation only.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
33 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10045
Organizing Committee
Olivier Armantier (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Dimitris Georgarakos (European Central Bank)
Geoff Kenny (European Central Bank)
Gizem Kosar (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Luc Laeven (European Central Bank)
Wilbert van der Klaauw (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)