
2025 State-of-the-Field Conference on Cyber Risk to Financial Stability

April 17, 2025
On Thursday, April 17, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York will host the sixth State-of-the-Field Conference on Cyber Risk to Financial Stability, a collaboration between the New York Fed and Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA). This conference brings together thought leaders across the fields of finance and cybersecurity, representing government, academia, and the private sector. Panels will draw on ongoing research, publications, and lessons learned to guide a robust discussion on financial stability and cybersecurity. Discussions will focus on “known unknowns” to explore risks arising from Artificial Intelligence (AI), third-party risks, and the broader technological infrastructure of the financial system.

The conference structure is comprised of three core sessions:

  1. What Are We Learning? This involves insights from researchers from academia, central banks, and industry around cyber risks to financial stability.
  2. What Are We Doing? This highlights some of the most important developments in both cyber risk management and oversight of financial stability risk, and includes representatives from government and industry.
  3. What’s Next? This is a forward-looking assessment of risks across geopolitics, national security, and finance, as well as an evaluation of structural changes.


Event Details

Date & Time
April 17, 2025
8:45am – 3:35pm EDT

Federal Reserve Bank of New York
33 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10045

Attendance will be in person and by invitation only.

The event is open to the media in-person. All sessions before lunch are on the record, with the recording to be made available afterward. All sessions after lunch are off the record. Members of the press who wish to attend must register by contacting Mariah Measey at Mariah.Measey@ny.frb.org.

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