Staff Reports
Do Cost-of-Living Shocks Pass Through to Wages?
Number 1126
October 2024

JEL classification: E31, E52, J6

Authors: Justin Bloesch, Seung Joo Lee, and Jacob P. Weber

We develop a novel, tractable New Keynesian model where firms post wages and workers search on the job, motivated by microeconomic evidence on wage setting. Because firms set wages to avoid costly turnover, the rate that workers quit their jobs features prominently in the model’s wage Phillips curve, matching U.S. empirical evidence. We then examine the response of wages to cost-of-living shocks, i.e., shocks that raise the price of household’s consumption goods but do not affect the marginal product of labor. Such shocks pass through to wages only to the extent that higher cost of living improves workers’ outside options, such as competing jobs or unemployment, relative to their current job. However, higher cost of living lowers real wages at all jobs evenly, and unemployment is rarely a credible outside option. We conclude that wage posting and on-the-job search limit the scope for pass-through from prices to wages.

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Author Disclosure Statement(s)
Justin Bloesch
This author declares that he has no relevant or material financial interests that relate to the research described in this paper. Prior to circulation, this paper was reviewed in accordance with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York review policy, available at

Seung Joo Lee
This author declares that he has no relevant or material financial interests that relate to the research described in this paper. Prior to circulation, this paper was reviewed in accordance with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York review policy, available at

Jacob Weber
This author declares that he has no relevant or material financial interests that relate to the research described in this paper. Prior to circulation, this paper was reviewed in accordance with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York review policy, available at

Suggested Citation:
Bloesch, Justin, Seung Joo Lee, and Jacob P. Weber 2024. “Do Cost-of-Living Shocks Pass Through to Wages?” Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports, no. 1126, October.

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