Media Advisory

New York Fed to Host Symposium on R-Star

March 06, 2025

NEW YORK—On Friday, March 28, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York will host a hybrid symposium titled “Whither R-Star?”. The goal of the symposium, which is being organized by the New York Fed’s Applied Macroeconomics and Econometrics Center, is to stimulate debate among academics, practitioners, and policymakers on the level, determinants, and relevance of the natural rate of interest, or r-star.

The sessions will cover real and financial drivers of r-star, international dimensions of r-star, and the usefulness of r-star as a guide for policy.

The conference is open to the public virtually. Further details and registration information are available on the event page.

The event is open to media both virtually and in person. All remarks are on the record and a recording will be made available afterward. Media who wish to attend must register by contacting Mariah Measey at

Mariah Measey
(347) 978-3071 
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