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Each section below identifies data series in CMD reports and surveys. We report survey findings for respondents overall as well as by demographics including age, education, gender, and income.
Each section below identifies data series in CMD reports and surveys. We report survey findings for respondents overall as well as by demographics including age, education, gender, and income.

BalancesQ2 2010 TO DATE
- Composition of Total Debt
- Accounts by Loan Type
- Number of New and Closed Accounts and Inquiries
- Credit Limit and Balance for Credit Cards and HE Revolving
- Debt Balance per Capita by State
Liberty Street EconomicsMay 14, 2024- Balances Transitioning into Delinquency by Borrower Utilization Rate
- Balance Held by Maxed-Out Borrowers and Percent of Borrowers Who Are Maxed Out
November 15, 2022- Average Credit Card Balances
- Credit Card Balance by Age Group
- Credit Card Balance by Zip Code-Income
November 17, 2021- Difference in Avg. Credit Card Balance (Gender, Race)
May 14, 2019- Participation in Consumer Credit Markets
- Percentage of population with credit card account, by age
AUGUST 9, 2016- Credit Card Participation by Credit Score
- Credit Card Balance by Credit Score, 2016:Q2
- Credit Card Issuances and Closures by Credit Score
- Credit Limit Extensions and Reductions by Credit Score
AUGUST 1, 2016- Debt Composition by Wealth Group
FEBRUARY 24, 2016- Average Debt Balance by Age, 2003
FEBRUARY 12, 2016- Composition of Total Debt
- Average Debt Balance by Age, 2015
1999 TO DATE (ANNUAL)- Credit Card Debt Balance per Capita
- Application Rejected
- Applied for a Credit Limit Increase
- Application Rejected
- Likelihood of Applying for a Credit Card
- Likelihood of Being Rejected
- Likelihood of Applying for a Credit Limit Increase
- Likelihood of Being Rejected
Liberty Street EconomicsFEBRUARY 11, 2020- First Borrowing Experience of Borrowers
- Age 30 or younger
- Volume of Borrowing by Income
AUGUST 15, 2017- Issuances and Reductions by Credit Score
- Extensions and Closures by Credit Score
August 9, 2016- Credit Card Issuances and Closures by Credit Score
- Credit Limit Extensions and Reductions by Credit Score
- Percentage of Credit Card Balance Delinquent
DELINQUENCIESQ2 2010 TO DATE- Total Balance by Delinquency Status
- Percentage of Balance 90+ Days Delinquent by Loan Type
- New Delinquent and Seriously Delinquent Balances by Loan Type
- Third Party Collections
Liberty Street EconomicsMay 14, 2024- Balances Transitioning into Delinquency by Borrower Utilization Rate
- Balance Held by Maxed-Out Borrowers and Percent of Borrowers Who Are Maxed Out
NOVEMBER 7, 2023- Flows into Delinquency Overall, by Generation, by Income Quartile, by Average Balance, and If Holding a Nonzero Balance for Another Type of Debt
OCTOBER 18, 2023- Transition to Serious Delinquency by Debt Product
February 16, 2023- Flow into 90+ Days Past Due by Age Group
November 15, 2022- Flow into Delinquency by Zip Code-Income
November 17, 2021- Probability of Credit Card Delinquency by Age 30 (Gender, Race)
AUGUST 2, 2021- By race, education, income, income loss
AUGUST 13, 2019- Severely Derogatory Balances
- Severely Derogatory Balances, by Loan Type
- Delinquency Transition Rates by Loan Type
AUGUST 15, 2017- Balances: Flow into Serious Delinquency by Origination Credit Score
AUGUST 9, 2016- Percentage of Credit Card Balance Delinquent
STATE-LEVEL DATAQ2 2010 TO DATE- Composition of Debt Balance per Capita by State
2003 TO 2023 (ANNUAL)- Credit Card Debt Balance per Capita

BalancesQ2 2010 TO DATE
- Composition of Total Debt
- Accounts by Loan Type
- Number of New and Closed Accounts and Inquiries
Liberty Street EconomicsNovember 17, 2021- Probability of Holding Student Loans by Age 30
- Difference in Avg. Credit Card Balance (Gender, Race)
- Probability of Holding Auto Loans by Age 30
- Probability of Holding a Mortgage by Age 30
FEBRUARY 24, 2016- Total Debt Balance by Age of Borrower
- Percentage Change in Aggregate Debt by Age of Borrower, 2003-15
- Average Debt Balance by Age, 2003 and 2015
- Parental Co-Residence Rates
- Homeownership and Parental Co-Residence Rates (Ages 25-30)
- Residence Arrangements (Age 25)
- Economic Circumstances (Age 25)
- Student Debt and Parental Co-Residence
- Cashflow from Household Debt
- Decomposition of Changes in Mortgage Balances
FEBRUARY 4, 2015NOVEMBER 25, 2014CONSUMER EXPERIENCES/OUTLOOKJUN 2013 TO DATE (MONTHLY)- Household Financial Situation (Year-Ahead and Year-Ago)
- Household Expectations for Income Growth, Spending Growth, and Tax Changes (One-Year-Ahead and by Demographics)
- Probability of Debt Delinquency (Mean and by Demographics)
- Outlook for Earnings on Savings Accounts, Stock Prices, and Government Debt Growth (Mean and by Demographics)
FEB 2014 TO DATE (EVERY FOUR MONTHS)- Accepted, Rejected, or Discouraged when Seeking Credit
- Application and Rejection Rates (All and Specific Types)
- Likelihood of Applying for Credit (All and Specific Credit Types)
DEC 2014 TO DATE (EVERY FOUR MONTHS)- Change in Spending
- Large Purchase
- Income Variability
- Change in Spending Anticipated
- Large Purchase Anticipated
- Response to Income Gain/Loss
Supplementary ModuleLiberty Street EconomicsOctober 18, 2023- Estimated Enrollment in Income-Driven Repayment Plans
- Student Loan Borrowers:
- Expected Percent Change in Consumption
- Expectations for Missed Payments
AUGUST 1, 2016- Assets and Debt
- Debt Composition
- Asset Composition
- (Each by Wealth Group)
FEBRUARY 4, 2015- Parental Co-Residence Rates
- Homeownership and Parental Co-Residence Rates (Ages 25-30)
- Residence Arrangements (Age 25)
- Economic Circumstances (Age 25)
- Student Debt and Parental Co-Residence
MAY 28, 2014- Borrowers’ Credit Experiences
- Change in Demand for Credit Cards and Mortgages
- Likelihood of Applying for a Credit Card
- Likelihood of Applying for a Mortgage
- (Each by Credit Score)
DELINQUENCIESQ2 2010 TO DATE- Total Balance by Delinquency Status
- Percentage of Balance 90+ Days Delinquent by Loan Type
- New Delinquent and Seriously Delinquent Balances by Loan Type
- Third Party Collections
Liberty Street EconomicsOCTOBER 18, 2023- Transition to Serious Delinquency by Debt Product
November 17, 2021-
Probability by Age 30 (Gender, Race)
- Student Loan Delinquency
- Credit Card Delinquency
- Auto Loan Delinquency
- Mortgage Delinquency
August 3, 2021-
Participation, entry and exit
Participation by credit scoreSTATE-LEVEL DATAQ2 2010 TO DATE- Total Debt Balance per Capita by State
- Delinquency Status of Debt Balance per Capita by State

- Home Price Expectations
- Home Price Uncertainty
- Housing as Good/Bad Investment
- Probability of Moving
- Probability of Buying
June 2013 to Date (Monthly)- Home Price Expectations
- Home Price Uncertainty
DELINQUENCIESQ2 2010 TO DATE- Percentage of Mortgage Balance 90+ Days Delinquent
- New Delinquent and Seriously Delinquent Mortgage Balances
- Quarterly Transition Rates for Current and 30-60 Day Late Mortgage Accounts
- Number of Consumers with New Foreclosures and Bankruptcies
- Percentage of Mortgage Debt 90+ Days Late by State
- Quarterly Transition Rates into 30+ and 90+ Days Late by State
- Percentage of Consumers with New Foreclosures by State
2003-23- Percentage of Mortgage Debt Balance 90+ Days Delinquent
Liberty Street EconomicsOCTOBER 18, 2023- Transition to Serious Delinquency by Debt Product
August 2, 2021- By race, education, income, income loss
NOVEMBER 17, 2020- Forbearance Exit-Entry by Loan Type
- Delinquency Rates among Forbearance Participants
AUGUST 13, 2019- Severely Derogatory Balances
- Severely Derogatory Balances, by Loan Type
- Delinquency Transition Rates by Loan Type
MAY 24, 2016- High Energy Counties vs. National Average
FEBRUARY 12, 2016- Quarterly Transition Rates for Current Mortgage Accounts
- Decomposition of Changes in Mortgage Balance
- 90+ Day Mortgage Delinquency Rates
MORTGAGE FINANCING2014 TO DATE (ANNUAL)- Mortgage Rate Expectations
- Mortgage Rate Uncertainty
- Probability of Refinancing
Q2 2010 TO DATE- Housing Debt as a Segment of Total Debt
- Composition of Total Household Debt
- Number of Mortgage Accounts
- Mortgage Originations by Credit Score
- Credit Score at Origination
FEB 2014 TO DATE (EVERY FOUR MONTHS)- Application and Rejection Rates:
- Mortgage
- Refinancing
- Likelihood of Applying or Being Rejected:
- Mortgage
- Refinancing
Liberty Street EconomicsAUGUST 6, 2024- Aggregate HELOC Balances
- HELOC Originations by Age
- HELOC Originations by Credit Limit
- Mortgage Originations by Type
- Percent of Mortgage Balances Originated in Last Two Years
- Aggregate Credit Limits of Newly Opened HELOCs by Credit Score
August 2, 2021- By race, education, income, income loss
FEBRUARY 17, 2021- By Credit Score
- Purchase and Refinances
- First-Time and Repeat Buyers
- Median Credit Score by Type
- Cash out Refi Volume
May 14, 2019- Participation in Consumer Credit Markets
- Percentage of population with credit card account, by age
FEBRUARY 13, 2018- State Level Household Debt Statistics
- State level
- County level
- NY Fed region
AUGUST 1, 2016- Assets and Debt by Wealth Group
FEBRUARY 24, 2016- Average Debt Balance by Age, 2003
FEBRUARY 12, 2016- Refinancing, First-Lien Amortization, and Junior-Lien Activity
OUTLOOK2014 TO DATE (ANNUAL)- Home Price Expectations
- Home Price Uncertainty
- Rent Change Expectations
- Housing as Good/Bad Investment
- Mortgage Rate Expectations
- Mortgage Rate Uncertainty
- Outlook: Ease of Obtaining a Mortgage
June 2013 to Date (Monthly)- Home Price Expectations
- Home Price Uncertainty
- Probability of Moving
- Probability of Buying
- Probability of Initial Investment in Home
- Years Expect to Stay in Home
- Outlook: Ease of Obtaining a Mortgage
- Preference for Owning
- Probability of Buying
Liberty Street EconomicsAugust 2, 2021- By race, education, income, income loss
April 5, 2021- View Housing as a Good Investment
- Rental Property vs. Stocks
- Reasons for Choosing Primary Residence over Stocks
STATE-LEVEL dataQ2 2010 TO DATE- Delinquency Status of Debt Balance per Capita
- Composition of Debt Balance per Capita
- Percentage with New Foreclosures
- Percentage of Mortgage Debt 30+ and 90+ Days Late
- Quarterly Transition Rates into 30+ and 90+ Days Late
- Percentage with New Foreclosures
- Percentage with New Bankruptcies
2003 TO 2023 (ANNUAL)- Mortgage Debt Balance per Capita (excluding HELOC)
- Percentage of Mortgage Debt Balance 90+ Days Delinquent

- Average Annual Salary
Jun 2013 to Date (Monthly)- Earnings Growth Expectations
- Earnings Growth Uncertainty
EMPLOYMENT SITUATIONJun 2013 to Date (Monthly)- Probability of a Job Separation
- Probability of Finding a Job
- Probability of Moving
- Expectations for the U.S. Unemployment Rate
Complete microdata and codebooks, 2013-19
- Wages
- Nonwage Benefits
- Promotion Opportunities
JOB SEARCHESMAR 2014 TO DATE (EVERY FOUR MONTHS)- Searched for a Job in Past Four Weeks
- Received Job Offer(s) in Past Four Months
- Average Wage of Full-Time Offer Received
- Job Offer Arrival(s) in Next Four Months
- Annual Salary of Offers in Next Four Months
- Reservation Wage
- Counteroffer Expectations
JOB TRANSITIONSMAR 2014 TO DATE (EVERY FOUR MONTHS)- Status of Workers Employed Four Months Ago
- Job Transition in Next Four Months
Liberty Street EconomicsMay 7, 2024- U.S. Map Plotting Uneven Labor Market Recovery
- Change in Employment in NY-Northern NJ Region
- Pre-Pandemic Job Gains/Deficits Against the Change in Area Labor Force
- Working Beyond Age 67

OVERALL INFLATIONJune 2013 to Date (Monthly)
- Inflation Expectations
- Inflation Uncertainty
Liberty Street EconomicsSeptember 24, 2021- 1-yr and 5-yr ahead inflation expectations
HOME PRICESJune 2013 to Date (Monthly)- Home Price Expectations
- Home Price Uncertainty

- Composition of Total Debt
- Accounts by Loan Type
- Percentage of Balance 90+ Days Delinquent by Loan Type
- New Delinquent and Seriously Delinquent Balances by Loan Type
- New Seriously Delinquent Balances by Loan Type
- Composition of Debt Balance per Capita by State
Liberty Street EconomicsNovember 17, 2021- Probability of Holding Auto Loans by Age 30
FEBRUARY 12, 2019-
Transition of Auto Loans into Serious Delinquency
- By Credit Score
- By Age
November 16, 2017- Outstanding Auto Loan Balances by Origination Credit Score
NOVEMBER 30, 2016- Outstanding Balances by Credit Score and Lender Type
- Outstanding Auto Loan Balances by Origination Credit Score
August 1, 2016- Debt Composition by Wealth Group
MAY 24, 2016- Auto Loan Balance Growth
February 24, 2016- Average Debt Balance by Age, 2003 and 2015
AUGUST 14, 2013- Newly Originated Auto Loan Balances
- Average Origination Amount by Age
1999 TO DATE (ANNUAL)- Auto Debt Balance per Capita
- Application Rejected
- Likelihood of Applying
- Likelihood of Being Rejected
Liberty Street EconomicsFEBRUARY 11, 2020- First Borrowing Experience of Borrowers
- Age 30 or younger
- Volume of Borrowing by Income
May 14, 2019- Participation in Consumer Credit Markets
- Percentage of population with credit card account, by age
DELINQUENCIESQ2 2010 TO DATE- Total Balance by Delinquency Status
- Percent of Balance 90+ Days Delinquent by Loan Type
- New Delinquent Balances by Loan Type
- New Seriously Delinquent Balances by Loan Type
- Third Party Collections
Liberty Street EconomicsFebruary 16, 2023- Flow into 90+ Days Past Due by Age Group
November 17, 2021- Probability of Auto Loan Delinquency by Age 30 (Gender, Race)
August 2, 2021- By race, education, income, income loss
NOVEMBER 17, 2020- Forbearance Exit-Entry by Loan Type
- Delinquency Rates among Forbearance Participants
AUGUST 13, 2019- Severely Derogatory Balances
- Severely Derogatory Balances, by Loan Type
- Delinquency Transition Rates by Loan Type
FEBRUARY 12, 2019- Delinquencies
NOVEMBER 14, 2017- Flow into 90+ Day Delinquency by Credit Score at Origination
NOVEMBER 30, 2016- Flow into 90+ Day Delinquency by Credit Score at Origination
MAY 24, 2016- 90+ Day Delinquency Rates
November 19, 2015- Percentage of Balance 90+ Days Delinquent by Lender Type
February 6, 2024- Delinquency Transition Rates
- Delinquency Transition Rates, by Generation
- Delinquency Transition Rates, by Income
1999 TO DATE (ANNUAL)- Auto Debt Balance per Capita
- Percentage of Auto Debt Balance 90+ Days Delinquent
ORIGINATIONSQ2 2010 TO DATE- Originations by Credit Score
- Credit Score at Origination
Liberty Street EconomicsFebruary 8, 2022- Auto Loan Originations by Credit Score
- Origination Counts and Average Amounts
- Origination Amounts by Credit Score
- Flow into 90+ Days Delinquency by Age
- Auto Loan Originations by Lender Type and Credit Score
- Flow into 90+ Day Delinquency by Credit Score at Origination
- Outstanding Auto Loan Balances by Origination Credit Score
- Auto Loan Originations by Credit Score
- Flow into 90+ Day Delinquency by Credit Score at Origination
- Auto Loan Originations by Age
- Origination Volume by Lender Type
- Percentage of Balance 90+ Days Delinquent by Lender Type
- Newly Originated Auto Loan Balances
- Auto Loan Originations by Credit Score
- Originations by Credit Score
- Originations by Age of Borrower
- Average Origination Amount by Age
- Number of Originations by Age
NOVEMBER 16, 2017NOVEMBER 30, 2016February 24, 2016November 19, 2015AUGUST 14, 2013STATE-LEVEL dataQ2 2010 TO DATE- Composition of Debt Balance per Capita by State
2003 TO 2023 (ANNUAL)- Auto Debt Balance per Capita
- Percentage of Auto Debt Balance 90+ Days Delinquent

- Student Loans as a Segment of Total Debt
- Composition of Total Household Debt
- Percentage of Balance 90+ Days Delinquent
- New Delinquent and Seriously Delinquent Balances
- Distribution of Borrowers by Balance
- Total Balances by Age Group, Borrower Payment Status, and Credit Score Group
- Number of Borrowers by Age Group, Borrower Payment Status, and Credit Score Group
- Descriptive Statistics of Borrowers
- Descriptive Statistics by State
- Balances
Liberty Street EconomicsAugust 9, 2022- Distribution of Borrowers by Balance
- Number of Borrowers by Age Group
- Total Balances by Age Group, Borrower Payment Status, and Credit Score Group
- Descriptive Statistics of Borrowers
- Descriptive Statistics by State
March 22, 2022- Forbearance and Delinquency Paydown
November 17, 2021- Probability of Holding Student Loans by Age 30
August 1, 2016- Debt Composition by Wealth Group
February 24, 2016- Average Debt Balance by Age, 2003 and 2015
MAY 12, 2015- Change in Student Loan Debt by Credit Score
APRIL 16, 2015- Non-Mortgage Balances
- Total Balances by Age Group
- Distribution of Balance by Number of Borrowers
FEBRUARY 20, 2015- Repayment Status
- Balance upon Leaving School
FEBRUARY 19, 2015- 2009 Cohort: Default Rates by Balance upon Leaving School
FEBRUARY 18, 2015- Non-Mortgage Balances
- Total Balances by Age Group
- Distribution of Borrowers by 2014 Q4 Balance
FEBRUARY 4, 2015- Economic Circumstances (Age 25)
- Student Debt and Parental Co-Residence
May 13, 2014- Proportion with Student Loans at Age 25
- Average Balance
- Total Debt at Age 25
FEBRUARY 18, 2014- Contributions to Balance Change by Credit Score
NOVEMBER 14, 2013- Contributions to Balance Change by Age Group
April 17, 2013- Proportion with Student Loans at Age 25
- Average Student Loan Balance
- Total Debt at Age 25
DELINQUENCIESOctober 18, 2023- Estimated Enrollment in Income-Driven Repayment Plans
- Student Loan Borrowers:
- Expectations for Missed Payments
November 17, 2021- Probability of Student Loan Delinquency by Age 30 (Gender, Race)
Q2 2010 TO DATE- Percentage of Balance 90+ Days Delinquent
- New Delinquent and Seriously Delinquent Balances
- Delinquency Rate
- Number of Borrowers by Repayment Status
- Delinquency by Age and Repayment Status
- Transition Rate
- Non-Student Debt by Student Loan Balances
- Mortgage Originations by Borrowers with Student Debt
- Transition to Serious Delinquency by Debt Product
- Student Loan Default Rates by School Type and Age
- Student Loan Default Rates by Family Background and College Type
- Defaults and Default Rate
- Default Rate by Student Loan Cohort
- Repayment Difficulties by School-Leaving Cohort and Age
- Student Loan Repayment Status in 2014
- Repayment Difficulties by School-Leaving Cohort and Zip Code Income
- Payment Progress of 2009 Cohort by Zip Code Income
- Default Rate by Student Loan Cohort
- 2009 Cohort: Default Rates by Balance upon Leaving School
Liberty Street EconomicsOCTOBER 18, 2023NOVEMBER 20, 2017APRIL 16, 2015FEBRUARY 19, 2015STATE-LEVEL DATA2003 TO 2023 (ANNUAL)As of 2021- Number of Borrowers
- Average Debt per Borrower
- Delinquent Borrowers
- Delinquent Balance

- Housing
- Preschool Education
- Student Aid, Federal
- Student Debt Forgiveness, Federal
- Welfare Benefits, Federal
Expected Changes and Expected Impact for the Following Policy Areas:
- Social Security: Benefits
- Social Security: Age
- Unemployment Benefits
Expected Changes and Expected Impact for the Following Policy Areas:
- State Minimum Wage
- Paid Parental Leave
Expected Changes and Expected Impact for the Following Policy Areas:
- Gasoline
- Income Tax Rate: Average
- Income Tax Rate: Highest Bracket
- Mortgage Interest Deduction
- Payroll Tax Rate
Expected Changes and Expected Impact for the Following Policy Areas:
FEESNOV 2015 TO DATE (EVERY FOUR MONTHS)- Public College Tuition
- Public Transportation
Expected Changes and Expected Impact for the Following Policy Areas: