Banking Culture Reform: The Role of Accountability in Preventing Misconduct

October 22, 2024
Episode 01
What Makes a Banker? Cultivating Accountability Through Shared Identity
Joe McGrath & Ciaran Walker
Joe McGrath and Ciaran Walker, co-authors of the New Accountability in Financial Services, offer recommendations for promoting accountability through professionalization and the adoption of shared industry norms. In this episode, they discuss the role of shared professional identities, moral anchors, and other mechanisms organizations can use to foster individual and group-based accountability.
Episode 02
The Fraudster, the Whistleblower, and the Bystander
Kelly Richmond Pope
Forensic accounting professor and fraud detective Kelly Richmond Pope describes why and how fraud occurs. In this episode, she highlights the importance of clear incentives and discusses her interactive online games designed to help users understand the drivers of fraud and whistleblowing.
Episode 03
Culture, Compliance, and Lessons Learned from FIFA
Evan Norris
Former prosecutor for the Eastern District of New York Evan Norris discusses the FIFA corruption scandal and why his past cases carry lessons for the financial services industry. In this episode, he discusses building cultures of strong compliance, and how misconduct can be harnessed as an opportunity for broad-based learning and meaningful improvement.
Episode 04
Taking Stock: Reflections and Insights on Culture in Financial Services
Toni Dechario & Tom Noone
In this episode, series host Toni Dechario is joined by her Culture initiative colleague Tom Noone. Together, they reflect on how approaches to culture and governance in financial services have shifted over the last decade and highlight key moments from the 2024 annual New York Fed culture conference.

The views expressed in these podcasts do not represent those of the New York Fed, or the Federal Reserve System.

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