Argia M. Sbordone

Argia M. Sbordone

Head of Macroeconomic and Monetary Studies
Macroeconomic and Monetary Studies
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
33 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10045

Measurement and Theory of Core Inflation
With Martín Almuzara
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports 1115, August 2024

A New Approach to Assess Inflation Expectations Anchoring Using Strategic Surveys
With Olivier Armantier, Giorgio Topa, Wilbert van der Klaauw, and John C. Williams
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports 1007, February 2022

A Large Bayesian VAR of the United States Economy
With Richard K. Crump, Stefano Eusepi, Domenico Giannone, and Eric Qian
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports 976, August 2021

Macroeconomic Nowcasting and Forecasting with Big Data
With Brandyn Bok, Daniele Caratelli, Domenico Giannone, and Andrea Tambalotti
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports 830, November 2017

With Marco Del Negro, Stefano Eusepi, Marc Giannoni, Andrea Tambalotti, Matthew Cocci, Raiden Hasegawa, and M. Henry Linder
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports 647, October 2013

The Macroeconomics of Trend Inflation
With Guido Ascari
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports 628, August 2013, Revised May 2014
A comment on ‘Closed-Form Estimates of the NKPC with Time-Varying Trend Inflation’ by M. Barnes, F. Gumbau-Brisa, D. Lie and G. Olivei
With Timothy Cogley
2011, unpublished

Globalization and Inflation Dynamics: The Impact of Increased Competition PDF
NBER Working Paper 13556, October 2007
37 pages / 423 kb

Inflation Persistence: Alternative Interpretations and Policy Implications
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff ReportNo. 286, May 2007

Trend Inflation and Inflation Persistence in the New Keynesian Phillips Curve
With Timothy Cogley
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff ReportNo. 270, December 2006

A Search for a Structural Phillips CurvePDF
With Timothy Cogley
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Report, No. 203, March 2005
39 pages / 678 kb

Do expected future marginal costs drive inflation dynamics?PDF
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Report, No. 204, March 2005
25 pages / 321 kb
See also ››
(previously circulated as Inflation Dynamics and Real Marginal Costs); Rutgers University, working paper series 2003-23

A Limited Information Approach to the Simultaneous Estimation of Wage and Price DynamicsPDF
Revised, April 2004
33 pages / 366 kb

An Optimizing Model of U.S. Wage and Price DynamicsPDF
Rutgers University, Working Paper Series 2001-10
47 pages / 915 kb

An Empirical Investigation of Alternative Models of Pricing Behavior
mimeo, revised, December 1999

Labor Effort and the Measurement of Technical Progress
mimeo, April 1997

Argia M. Sbordone's CVPDF

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