On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, the New York Fed's Governance and Culture Reform Initiative ("Culture Initiative") hosted a conference on culture and behavior in the financial services industry.
The program, which was built on past conferences and podcasts, explored how accountability, incentives, and technology contribute to shaping healthy organizational cultures. Speakers reflected on how elements of culture have evolved over the last decade and offered insights into how organizational cultures can shape risk outcomes in the future.
The Culture Initiative is designed to foster discussion about corporate governance and the reform of culture and behavior in the financial services industry.
See the agenda below for timing of specific conference segments.
May 21, 2024
8:30am-3:45pm EDT
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
33 Liberty Street
New York, NY
This event was in-person, and attendance was by invitation only. Download the attendee list.
This event was open to press in-person and all remarks were on-the-record. The event was recorded, with the recording above. For more information, please contact Shelley Pitterson at Shelley.Pitterson@ny.frb.org.
8:30am-9:00am | Networking Breakfast |
9:00am-9:05am | Welcome (00:00:09 in video) James Hennessy, Head of the Governance and Culture Reform Initiative, Federal Reserve Bank of New York |
9:05am-9:15am | Opening Remarks
(00:04:28 in video) John C. Williams, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of New York |
9:15am-10:05am | Panel I: Enhancing Accountability in Financial Services (00:12:51 in video) Moderator: Olivia Richards, Partner, Oliver Wyman Constantinos Coutifaris, Assistant Professor of Management, McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin Joseph McGrath, Assistant Professor of Law, Sutherland School of Law, University College Dublin Kelly Richmond Pope, Dr. Barry Jay Epstein Endowed Professor of Accounting, DePaul University |
10:05am-10:35am | Break |
10:35am-11:25am | Panel II: Technology and Culture (01:04:46 in video) Moderator: Harry Toukalas, Co-Founder & CEO, Swarm Dynamics Tom Reader, Associate Professor of Organizational Psychology, London School of Economics and Political Science Sameer Srivastava, Ewald T. Grether Professor of Business Administration and Public Policy, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley Anita Williams Woolley, Associate Dean of Research and Professor of Organizational Behavior, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University |
11:25am-11:40am | Workshop: Part I (01:56:15 in video) Susan Ochs, CEO, Ochs Advisors LLC |
11:40am-1:10pm | Lunch |
1:10pm-1:20pm | Workshop: Part II (02:11:14 in video) |
1:20pm-2:10pm | Panel III: Building Cultures of Imagination and Integrity (02:21:44 in video) Moderator: Kartik B. Athreya, Director of Research and Head of the Research and Statistics Group, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Regina Joseph, Superforecaster and Founder, Sibylink Gary Klein, President, MacroCognition LLC and ShadowBox LLC Evan Norris, Partner, Cravath, Swaine & Moore |
2:10pm-2:30pm | Break |
2:30pm-3:05pm | Moderated Discussion (03:18:06 in video) Moderator: Susan Ochs, CEO, Ochs Advisors LLC Raymond Dorado, Senior Deputy Superintendent, Banking Division, New York State Department of Financial Services |
3:05pm-3:45pm | Moderated Discussion (03:45:08 in video) Moderator: Chana Schoenberger, Editor-in-Chief, American Banker James P. Gorman, Executive Chairman, Morgan Stanley |
3:45pm | Closing Remarks (04:27:55 in video) James Hennessy, Head of the Governance and Culture Reform Initiative, Federal Reserve Bank of New York |

Ten Years of Governance and Culture Reform: Taking Stock (May 15, 2024)
Readings Authored and Recommended by the 2024 Governance and Culture Reform Conference Panelists (May 2024)